Preventing Hemorrhoids - 10 Tips To Help You Avoid Getting Hemorrhoids

Even the strongest of us will be weakened when faced with hemorrhoids. It is painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing. But even though the image that we have in our heads of hemorrhoids is dark and scary, it is actually quite easy to cure and control and all it takes is a simple shift in our lifestyle and maintaining an effective hemorrhoids diet, the diet being the key factor. Attacking the cause of the problem is actually the best way to treat any recurring disease, illness or problems. But in today's society, we are so caught up in getting a quick fix that we focus too much reducing the pain and the swell rather than going to the root of the problem and nip it at the bud.

Sitz Baths - Sitz baths can be very soothing and will help reduce the inflammation, the constant itching, pain, and help reduce or even stop the bleeding. This can be done in your bathtub if it is clean. However, most health care professionals recommend that you buy a sitz bath tub that fits over the toilet seat. These can be purchased at the local pharmacy. If you decide to use your bath tub, you will only need few inches of warm water in the tub just enough water to cover the anus. Soothing sitz baths can be made from baking soda, Epsom salt, sea salts, or herbal sitz bath remedies. If possible you should take these 2 or 3 times a day and about 10 to 20 minutes at a time. When finished you should pat dry and do not rub.

Wash the area gently with warm, salty water, to get rid of irritant mucus that has leaked out. Dry carefully with cotton wool and apply petroleum jelly (available from pharmacies) or nappy rash cream to protect your skin if more mucus or moisture leaks out.

Debt can induce stress which in the long run can increase the production of cortisol hormones. Increased cortisol hormone production is associated with many life threatening risks including high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

But the most common cause of hemorrhoids is constipation. Constipation makes you do a lot of straining Diet in piles order to get your stools out of your system. When you strain yourself whenever you get more info are on the toilet, you are exerting pressure on the veins in your anal region. If you do this repeatedly, then you are highly likely to develop hemorrhoids.

Ice packs - Ice packs are great for reducing swelling, and pain from piles. It only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to get fast relief with an ice pack. An ice pack will numb the area and will reduce hemorrhoids swelling.

All heavy and stimulating food should be avoided as mentioned. The diet should be simple and light. Soybean milk, soybean zwieback, thoroughly ripe bananas, vegetable broths of any kind. To go on a fruit diet for a few days is a very helpful measure.

Take frequent shallow baths to soak the affected area. This will help cleaning the area to prevent infection also with soothe the symptoms. For extra relief try adding a few drops of witch hazel to the water this is a natural astringent and will help with the healing process.

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